How to Improve Your Digestion in 5 Easy Steps

Do you want to improve your digestion without giving up the foods you love?

Ayurveda teaches us the how we eat is just as important as what. A few simple changes can help you to see a big shift in your digestion.

I challenge you to practice these five steps to improve your digestion. Focus on one habit each day and continue to practice what you've already learned. By the end of the week, you should notice a healthy appetite with less gas, bloating and indigestion.

Before we begin, some considerations about the role of emotions and digestion. Emotional eating can sabotage even the best intentions. We've been programmed from a young age to soothe with food and receive comfort from sweets and treats. Try to avoid eating when you’re angry, depressed, bored or emotionally unstable. When the body is in "fight or flight" stress response, we cannot digest our food. You need to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, your "rest and digest" response to absorb your food. Make time to process your emotions daily. Before you use food to cope, try to connect with your emotions. You might meditate, journal, call a friend, get a hug, go for a walk or exercise.

Step 1: Eat Mindfully

Eat in a relaxed environment, with good company. Offer gratitude for your food, maybe even close your eyes and give thanks. You can activate your parasympathetic nervous system by either tapping your thumb to each of your fingers or practicing alternate nostril breathing.

Just eat, don’t multitask, scroll or talk. Our bodies need a downward energy (apana vayu) for food to be digested. Talking engages an upward energy (udana vayu). Scrolling puts you back in “fight or flight”. Engage all of your senses and enjoy each bite. Chew your food really well! 50% of digestion occurs in the mouth.

Step 2: Meal Timing

Your body has natural rhythms. Time your meals to work with this, instead of against! Digestion is strongest when the sun is so eat your largest meal at lunch (or brunch). Your body is best able to process complex carbs, fats and protein at this time.⁠ Digestive strength diminishes throughout the day. Eat a lighter earlier dinner, at least 3 hours before bed. Space meals at least 3-5 hours apart for optimum digestion. Avoid snacking.

Step 3: Warm Food & Drinks

Eat food at room temperature or warmer. Avoid taking a large quantity of liquids with meal. You may sip on hot water or herbal tea with your meal but no cold beverages! Cold beverages contract your blood vessels, thereby restricting digestion. Cold drinks hinder the natural process of absorbing nutrients during digestion.

You wouldn’t pour coconut oil down your drain, right? Drinking iced drinks with a meal has the same effect. Cold temperatures coagulate fats, slowing down the digestive process. If you must have a cold drink, do so 2 hours after your meal.

Step 4: Eat Fruit Alone

How we combine food plays a big role in its digestibility. Even the healthiest foods can turn toxic when improperly combined. Fruit requires a different digestive environment than other foods. Eat fruit on its own, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.

When combining fruits, pair like with like (sweet with sweet, acid with acid). Melon and banana are the most challenging to combine and should be eaten alone (not even with other fruits). For more on food combining, read my article.

Step 5: Spice it Up!

No amount of spices or supplements can fix a poor diet but, adding digestive spices can give you that extra kick.

Heating spices (for Vata + Kapha) include ginger, cumin, cinnamon, black pepper, cayenne and fennel (neutral).

Cooling spices (for Pitta) include coriander, cilantro, cardamom, clove.

Follow these 5 steps and you’ll notice stronger digestion and more energy in as little as a week.

If you’d like more personal support for your digestion, book a free call.