Essential Oils for Your Dosha

You’ve probably had the experience of being transported to another time and place simply by smelling something. So it’s no surprise that smell is more closely linked with memory and emotion than any of your other senses.

With a direct route to the limbic system, smell has the power to make you feel an array of emotions and shift your mood quickly.

Not only is scent potent medicine, but it's fun and easy to use with essential oils. Read on for recommendations for your dosha.

How to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are the concentrated essence of a plant. Flowers, herbs, or fruits are steam distilled or pressed to extract medicinal compounds from the plant. Essential oils are strong and should be diluted into a carrier oil for safety.

There are many ways to use essential oils. You can dilute with water in a diffuser or spritz or blend with oil and use in a roller for aromatherapy, or for massage.

You can choose essential oils based on the scents that you enjoy, your dosha, or how you want to feel.

Essential Oils for Vata

The qualities of vata dosha are cold, dry, rough, mobile or changing and irregular. To balance this, choose oils that are earthy or grounding, warming, calming and sweet.

For a carrier oil choose sesame or almond oil.

Earthy: cinnamon, fennel seed, ginger

Bright + Warming: orange or citrus

Calming + Sweet: lavender, ylang ylang, vanilla.

Essential Oils for Pitta

The qualities of pitta dosha are hot, sharp, light, quick and a little oily. To balance, choose oils that are calming, cooling, flowery & sweet.

Pittas may have sensitive skin so choose a light carrier oil like coconut or sunflower

Calming + Cooling: lavender, peppermint, vetiver, sandalwood

Flowery + Sweet: rose, jasmine, honeysuckle or any floral

Essential Oils for Kapha 

The qualities of kapha are cool, slow, grounded, heavy, cloudy, oily. To balance this, choose oils that are warming, stimulating, uplifting, strong or pungent.

Choose a light neutral oil for a carrier such as flaxseed, sunflower, or mustard oil.

Stimulating + Uplifting: grapefruit, bergamot, rosemary, sage

Strong: black pepper, cedar or pine, eucalyptus, camphor, musk, patchouli

I hope this inspires you to incorporate essential oils into your wellness routines. Do you have a favorite essential oil or combo? Tell me in the comments below.