My Favorite Ayurvedic Products

The secret to self-care is finding routines, rituals and products that you look forward to doing!

Here’s what I’m loving right now:

Skincare -

Amla Oil - The HOLY GRAIL of my skincare routine. Super rich in vitamin c to boost collagen production and brightness, helps to fade sun spots and even skin tone

Daily Massage Oil - self oil massage is always a good idea.

Beauty Balm - I keep one in my bag and one in my car at all times.

Rosewater Cream - divine.

Herbal Teas -

Banyan Botanical’s Mellow Mind - miracle in a cup

Bitter & Bold Coffee Alternative - love this caffeine free option

Nourish & Digest -

Kitchari Kit - everything you need for a nourishing kitchari cleanse

Triphala Tablets - great for travel or occasional digestive upset

These are brands I know and trust - sustainable and well sourced herbs are key. Let me know in the comments if there are other products you’d like to see here.

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