Top 5 Benefits of Meditation

Today, I’m highlighting 5 major benefits and 5 easy ways to get started with a life-changing wellness practice - meditation.  My goal is to share highly effective practices that you can incorporate seamlessly into your routine.  I’m starting the series with a practice that has been *major* for me.  And the best part? It’s something you can do today and it costs nothing! All about that bang for your buck 💫

What is meditation? Meditation can look very different depending on the style you are practicing. But generally, it is a way to train or calm the mind.  Think about how your computer performs when there are too many tabs open.  Now think about your brain, how many tabs do you have running at any given time? It’s a bit overwhelming, huh? Meditation allows us to reset, restart and refresh.  Through focus on the breath, mantra or visual image, we let those other tabs close themselves.  By letting go, we create space for new attention, patterns of thought and energy. So what happens with regular meditation? 

Here are 5 major benefits:

  1. Heart health: meditation lowers blood pressure, increases circulation and lowers resting heart rate. Our hearts work so hard for us everyday, lets give them a break.

  2. Less stress: less anxiety, less perspiration, slower respiratory rate and overall, more c h i l l. 

  3. More feelings of well-being: decreased depression, improved self-image and greater positive thinking.

  4. Improved sleep: meditators fall asleep sooner and stay asleep longer.  With nearly half the populations struggling with insomnia at some point, sleep is something we could use more of.

  5. Strengthens willpower: we all have something we’re hooked on - whether its a morning coffee or an online shopping habit.  Meditation helps people redirect their attention, strengthen willpower, control emotions and impulses and fight addictions.  When we are more mindful of our actions, its easy to see repetitive behavior.

And 5 ways to get started today:

  1. Download a meditation app!  There are loads of free apps that guide you through getting started.  All you need is a device and headphones.

  2. Focus on the breath: sit comfortably on a cushion or chair with a tall straight spine. Let your eyes fall closed and focus on the breath.  You can count the length of your inhales and exhales or simply focus on the flow of air, noticing where it enters your body and where it travels. 

  3. Take a class: many yoga studios offer meditation workshops or classes. Find a great donation based class here.

  4. Try a visual meditation: softly focus your gaze on a candle flame, fire, running water or waves at the beach. Do this for 5-20 minutes.  Feel your cares melt or wash away.

  5. Try a mantra meditation: mantra is a sound current which tunes and controls mental vibration. You may have a personal mantra or affirmation that you work with or can find a mantra here.  Sit quietly and repeat the mantra.

Remember that all you need is 5 minutes a day to gain the benefits of meditation. We all have a few moments for improved mental health, clarity and energy. Give it a try today!