When to See an Ayurvedic Practitioner

Maybe you’ve had the experience of googling some nagging symptoms and you ended up with cyberchondria? In this day and age, we’re all webMDs and that’s not necessarily a good thing! Information is power, but there are times when you should seek out a professional - like when cutting your own bangs. 

When it comes to your wellness, when should you see an Ayurvedic Practitioner?

  1. When you aren’t clear on your birth constitution.  You’ve probably taken a ‘what’s your dosha” quiz online and this gave you some indication of your dosha type or left you even more confused.  Often quizzes don’t capture the whole picture. They can be more indicative of our imbalances than our true nature. The only way to know for sure is to have a consultation with an Ayurvedic Practitioner.  They’ll assess your dosha type through questioning, observation and pulse diagnosis. You’ll also get a clear understanding of your current state of health and any imbalances.

  2. When you’re just starting out.  Remember when you got your driver’s permit? You probably weren't confident enough to drive on your own right away? Instead, you practiced with the guidance of a parent.  Working with a practitioner is similar - you’ll get to apply your new skills with their support and encouragement. Follow-up appointments allow you to check your progress and make any needed adjustments.  As your understanding and skills grow, you’ll become your own healer.

  3. When you’ve tried it on your own, unsuccessfully, and feel frustrated or worn out.  Who are my DIYers? If you’re like me, when starting a project, you’ll read an article or two, maybe watch a youtube video, make several failed attempts and then quit.  You’ll wish that you saved yourself the time and hassle by getting professional help from the beginning. Trust me, your sanity and your health are worth the investment!

  4. When you have a chronic illness.  Whether it’s an auto-immune condition or a persistent skin issue, if you’ve struggled for some time, it’s best to get support.  Long-standing imbalances are complex and will require a multi-faceted approach. Unlike western medicine, which treats symptoms, Ayurveda gets to the root cause of the illness, cutting it off at the source. Treatment with diet, lifestyle and herbal medicine will reduce symptoms and prevent recurrence. 

  5. When you don’t have time to feel crappy.  If you’ve got a demanding work schedule and full social calendar then you need sustained energy to show up at your best.   Tackling your wellness by yourself requires trial and error and that takes time. Ayurveda is a time-tested system that works.  Working with a practitioner helps you to see results right away. So why wait to feel better?

If you saw yourself in one or more of these scenarios, then it’s time to see a practitioner.  You deserve to experience strong digestion, glowing skin, less stress and more energy. Don’t wait, schedule a free clarity call to get started today.