Ayurvedic Self Care for Your Dosha

What’s the secret to self-care?

In my opinion, self-care should be simple, accessible and fun. But the real secret is to build time for it into your schedule on a recurring basis.

This could be 10 minutes of your morning routine or even an hour. Another chunk of time in the afternoon - set a reminder in your phone. And one day a week to go deeper, like Sundays.

When it’s a habit, self-care doesn’t require decision making or willpower to make it happen - there are no excuses.

Self-care is an integral part of the Ayurvedic daily routine or dinacharya - helping to balance your doshas, relieve stress and support sleep.

It is most potent when we show up for ourselves with a loving presence and enjoy the process.


The sensation of touch is very soothing to vata which rules the nervous system. Opportunities to go slow and mono-task will help counteract vata’s quickness

Abhyanga or oil massage and a warm bath ground and balance vata. Rhythmic breath practices like pranayama and sun salutations also help regulate vata.


Has a hard time shutting off or disconnecting from work. Self care should not be another task but a chance to take everything off their plate.

Savasana is cooling and relaxing - helping the body and mind to integrate. Other favorites include legs up the wall, supported bridge and reclined butterfly.


Is static and slow by nature so change and movement can help pull them out of feeling stuck or low energy.

They should go for brisk walks outside and call a friend. Kapha is supportive - relationships are important to them and they often are the glue that holds everyone together. But they need a chance to have their feelings heard too!

Dry brushing or garshana and breaking a sweat are invigorating for kapha.

So tell me, what’s your favorite self-care? Do you have a set routine or do your practices change with the seasons?

Tell me in the comments below.