Recipe: Stewed Apples

Did you know that apples are cooling? They’re sweet & astringent, the perfect medicine for pitta.

When cooked til soft, apples with a little ghee are balanced enough for vata too.

This breakfast will strengthen your agni or digestive fire and gently pull toxins and mucus from the gut.

Try this the next time you need a little reset.


½ C Water

2 Whole Cloves or pinch powdered cloves

Pinch Cinnamon

Pinch Ginger (omit if high pitta)

1 t Ghee (optional)

1 Organic Apple, (sweeter varieties such as Golden Delicious, Gala, Fuji, Opal, or Pink Lady are best)

To Make:

Start boiling the water and spices in a small saucepan.

In the meantime, peel (only if you want to), core, and chop the apple into bite-size pieces.

Add the apple to the hot water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 5-10 minutes, or until the apple is soft and translucent. 

Enjoy with the liquid or serve over well cooked oats.